Being a Human Resources Manager how will you formulate an effective HRP process?

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The most important and valuable asset of an organization is manpower or human resource. Development of human resource is needed by any organization if it wants to succeed in the fast growing and fast changing business environment. An organizations performs and resulting productively and directly proportional to the quality and quantity of the human resource.
The process of human resource planning is one of the most crucial, complex and containing managerial functions. Organizations can proper and progress only through the creative efforts and competencies of their human resources.
So I have to plan a multi step process including various issues, such as.... and more.......

.....and more ...
to formulate the effective HR Planning, It is important to have mixture and perfective use of the human resource functions. Manpower planning involves identifying staffing needs, analyzing the available personnel and determining what additions and / or replacements are required to maintain a staff of the desired size and quality. It can be defined as “a strategy for the acquisition, utilization, improvement and preservation of an organization’s human resources”. HRP is a process of identifying human resource requirements in terms of quality and quantity.
Today the organizations are more dependent upon people. They are increasingly involved in more complex technologies and are functioning in more complex economic, social and political environments. As a result, the organizations face shortage of the right kind of human resources. HRP enables to get the right type of personnel in the organization..... and more...

....and more...Motivation of Personnel:
HRP is concerned not only with the identification of the personnel in terms of quality and quantity but it is also concerned with the improvement and motivation of the human resources. The organization would make every possible effort to have dedicated and committed personnel at all levels in the organization.....and more...

..... and more ....needs to monitor the requirements of personnel. This is because there is constant need for additional personnel, as some of the existing personnel do leave the organization due to registration, retirement and so on.

After the review of organizational strategies and objectives in the above manner based on the problems and need I'll easily formulate effective HRP process. ....pls satisfy our terms and conditions to get to full version of reviewed answer