FREE Previous Questions


Subject : Banking Management

Attend any 4 questions. Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

1. Explain the traditional theory of Banking.

2. Write an essay on International Banking.

3. What is Burden Management? Explain.

4. Explain Asset and Liability Management.

5. Examine automation in Banking. How is it useful?

6. Describe the organizational structure of a bank.

25 x 4=100 marks

National Institute of Business Management

Chennai - 020


Subject : Business Environment

Attend any 4 questions. Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

1. Discuss in detail the characteristics and components of Business.

2. What are the goals of Business? Explain.

3. Write an essay on Business environment?

4. What are the objectives and social responsibilities of management engaged in
Business? Explain.

5. Explain the dynamics of Organizational Structure in India.

6. Decisions of businessmen are indicative of their goals justify?

25 x 4=100 marks

National Institute of Business Management

Chennai - 020


Subject : Information Technology

Attend any 4 questions. Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

1. How is information Technology used to transform an organization? Explain.

2. Discuss the process of interpreting and understanding information.

3. Examine the impact of Information Technology on an organization.

4. Describe the strategic issues of Information Technology.

5. Explain how Information Technology can boost International Business?

6. Explain the actions of Management , if IT activities seems to be out of control.

25 x 4=100 marks

National Institute of Business Management

Chennai - 020


Subject : International Trade Management

Attend any 4 questions. Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

1. Write an essay on International Marketing.

2. Examine the different theories of International Trade.

3. How are transactions in Foreign Exchange market carried out? Explain.

4. Write an essay on World Trade Organisation.

5. Explain Consumer Behaviour and its role in marketing in India.

6. What is Foreign Trade policy and what is its impact on Foreign Trade? Explain.

25 x 4=100 marks

National Institute of Business Management

Chennai - 020


Subject : Management Research

Attend any 4 questions. Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

1. Explain the phases in which a marketing research finds its application.

2. What are the occasions when managers should contribute inputs to the
marketing research process or participate in decisions relating to marketing
research? Explain.

3. Examine the advantages of Sampling. What are its limitations?

4. Describe the behavioural concepts of measurements and selling in marketing.

5. How are data prepared and processed?

6. Describe the process of report writing. How are they interpreted?

25 x 4=100 marks

National Institute of Business Management

Chennai - 020


Subject : Managerial Economics

Attend any 4 questions. Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

1. Explain the basic concepts and law of production.

2. What are the techniques of Forecasting Demand? Explain.

3. Explain the concept and measurement of National Income.

4. How is consumer behaviour analysed? Explain.

5. Examine in detail the powers of Monopolistic power.

6. Write a descriptive account on Elasticities of Demand.

25 x 4=100 marks

National Institute of Business Management

Chennai - 020


Elective: Operations Management (Part - 1)

Attend any 4 questions. Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

1. What are the different operations objectives in Management? Explain.

2. Explain the behavioral dimensions of a Job Design.

3. Why is Materials Management important? Explain.

4. Give a detailed overview of the Operations Scheduling and Planning system.

5. What are the objectives and methods of Material Requirements Planning?

6. Discuss the managerial responsibility in managing for Quality.

25 x 4=100 marks

National Institute of Business Management

Chennai - 020


Elective: Operations Management (Part - 2)

Attend any 4 questions. Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

1. Changing the way business is done in terms of capturing value by Innovation.

2. Increase in productivity leads to increase in profits. Explain.

3. What are the effects of TQM on an organization? Explain.

4. What is the concept that tries to achieve a near Zero defect? Explain the
roadmap for the future.

5. Explain ISO 9000?

6. Explain the applications of computer in Operations Management.

25 x 4=100 marks


(Should be minimum 10-20 pages)

How will you manage operations processes of your firm by introducing robots in place of
human and then achieving customer demands with less financial burden?

(100 Marks)

National Institute of Business Management

Chennai - 020


Subject : Perspective Management

Attend any 4 questions. Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

1. Discuss in detail Management Planning and its objectives.

2. Write an essay on Strategic Business Planning.

3. What is long term planning? Explain how does it work?

4. Explain the different aspects of Management development.

5. Explain Management of innovation. What are its challenges?

6. Explain the changing role of supervisors in Management of an organization.

25 x 4=100 marks

National Institute of Business Management

Chennai - 020


Subject : Quantitative Techniques for Business Analysis

Attend any 4 questions. Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

1. Explain how data are collected, what are its sources, advantages and

2. Is the sample representative of the population? Explain.

3. Describe the presentation of data.

4. Explain how statistical data are represented pictorially.

5. Write an essay on the elements of probability.

6. Discuss in detail the descriptive statistics that describe how similar a set of
scores are to each other.

25 x 4=100 marks

National Institute of Business Management

Chennai - 020


Subject : Quality Systems Management

Attend any 4 questions. Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

1. What are the aims and objectives of Quality Control? Explain.

2. Write an essay on Total Quality Management.

3. Explain the reasons for adopting benchmarking program by an organization as
a catalyst for change.

4. Describe the structure of Quality Circles.

5. Write an essay on ISO 9000 and 14000 Quality Standards.

6. Does a product require CE Marketing? Explain.

25 x 4=100 marks

National Institute of Business Management

Chennai - 020


Subject : Service Marketing

Attend any 4 questions. Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

1. What are the phases of a product lifecycle? Explain its corresponding

2. How is distribution an important aspect of marketing? Explain.

3. Why are stock markets important? Explain.

4. Write an essay on Marketing Management.

5. What is the role of Pricing in Marketing Mix? Explain.

6. Explain the different levels of marketing operations.

25 x 4=100 marks

Subject : Service Marketing
Time : 3 hours                                                                                                            Marks  : 100

Section A

I      Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :-
1.         What is a Market?
2.         Define Market Segmentation.
3.         What is Marketing Management?
4.         What is Product Management?
5.         What is Market Research?
5x2=10 marks                                             

Section B

II     Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :-
1.          What are the steps involved in selecting and establishing a research design?
2.          Why people will buy a premium priced product?
3.          What are the main types of qualitative research?
4.          What are the types of financial markets?
5.          What are the phases of a product lifecycle?
        5x6=30 marks

Section C

III   Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :-
1.          Explain the marketing Management functions and activities of an organizational unit of a firm responsible for managing them.
2.          Explain the stages in the new product development process?
3.          Describe the development of relationship marketing.
4.          Explain the importance of stock markets.
5.          Is Marketing an Art or Science? Explain.
3x20=60 marks
Subject : Quality Systems Management
Time : 3 hours                                                                                                Marks  : 100

Section A

I      Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :-
1.         What is a Quality Circle?
2.         What is understood by Brainstorming?
3.         What is CE marking?
4.         Define a software Quality.
5.         Define Quality characteristics.
5x2=10 marks                                             

Section B

II     Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :-
1.          What are the objectives of a Quality Circle?
2.          How to be Quality Conscious, Problem Conscious and Improvement Conscious?
3.          Who can become a member of ISO?
4.          How do you benefit from a CE marking?
5.          What is the role of a Software Quality Assurance group?
        5x6=30 marks

Section C

III   Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :-
1.          Write an essay on ISO 9000 and 14000 Quality Standards.
2.          Describe the statutory requirements for affixing of the CE marking.
3.          Examine in detail the aims and objectives of quality control and inspection.
4.          Explain total quality Management operations?
5.          What is the concept of Benchmarking? Explain the steps involved in it.
3x20=60 marks
Subject : Quantitative Techniques for Business Analysis
Time : 3 hours                                                                                                Marks  : 100

Section A

I      Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :-
1.          What is the purpose of a Graph?
2.          What is an Arithmetic Mean?
3.          What are measures of Dispersion?
4.          What is Probability?
5.          What is International Statistics?
5x2=10 marks                                              

Section B

II     Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :-
1.          What are frequency distribution graphs?
2.          What are the rules of probability?
3.          What are the sources of statistics?
4.          Is a sample representative of the population?
5.          What are the rules for drawing a histogram with uniform class intervals?
        5x6=30 marks

Section C

III   Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :-
1.           Explain the use of averages in statistics.
2.           Describe the different sampling methods?
3.           Discuss the different types of graphs which represent statistical data.
4.           Write a detailed note on frequency distribution.
5.           Explain the procedure of calculating arithmetic mean from a grouped data.
3x20=60 marks
Subject : Managerial Economics
Time : 3 hours                                                                                                Marks  : 100

Section A

I      Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks:-
1.      What is a market structure?
2.      What are the two important aspects of the supply side of the capital market?
3.      Define National Income.
4.      What is Monetary Policy?
5.      Define Marginal Utility.
5x2=10 marks                                              

Section B

II     Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks:-
1.         What are the characteristics of pricing under perfect competition?
2.         What are the concepts of Risk and Uncertainty?
3.         What are the methods of measuring National Income?
4.         What factors that constitute economic environment of a country?
5.         What are the factors behind Law of Demand?
        5x6=30 marks

Section C

III   Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks:-
1.         Describe the concepts of Cost and Break – Even Analysis.
2.         Explain the prerequisites of Capital Budgeting.
3.         Discuss in detail economic stabilization policies.
4.         What are the objectives of a Business firm? Explain.
5.         Explain the techniques of forecasting Demand.
3x20=60 marks


Subject : Management Research
Time : 3 hours                                                                                                            Marks  : 100

Section A

I      Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :-
1.         What is Data Processing?
2.         What is Data Analysis?
3.         What is Regression?
4.         What are the types of factorial design?
5.         What is an interaction error?
5x2=10 marks                                             

Section B

II     Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :-
1.         What are the advantages and limitations of sampling?
2.         What are the principles for establishing categories for coding?
3.         What are the important statistical measures that are used to summarise survey / research data?
4.         What are the qualities of a good research?
5.         What are the types of potential errors affecting experimental results?
        5x6=30 marks

Section C

III   Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :-
  1. Explain the concepts of measurement and scaling.
  2. Explain the different categories of Data Processing Approach, Its advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Explain the different techniques of data interpretation. How are the results presented to the Management?
  4. Explain the components of a research proposal.
  5. Explain the various steps for developing a questionnaire.
3x20=60 marks
Subject : Business Environment
Time : 3 hours                                                                                                            Marks  : 100

Section A

I      Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :-
  1. What are the ways of scanning a business environment?
  2. Define Capitalism.
  3. What is environmental scanning?
  4. Define Commerce.
  5. Define Communism.
5x2=10 marks                                             

Section B

II     Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :-
1.     Do social obligations conflict with profit objectives in a business?
2.      What are the characteristics of a business?
3.      What are the chief characteristics of business as a social system?
4.      What are the main features of socialism?
5.      What are the basic features of an Economic System?
        5x6=30 marks

Section C

III   Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :-
  1. Explain the components or the key factors of environment for a business firm.
  2. What are the main objectives of a business? Explain.
  3. Write an essay on the dynamics of organizational structure in India.
  4. Examine in detail the objectives of a business.
  5. What is the basis of classification of organization objectives? Explain.
3x20=60 marks


Subject : Business English
Time : 3 hours                                                                                                Marks  : 100

Section A

I      Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :-
  1. Define Communication.
  2. What are the two basic groups of a Business Letter format?
  3. What are the two ways in Oral Communication?
  4. What is a Memo?
  5. What is Elective Paging System?
5x2=10 marks                                              

Section B

II     Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :-
  1. What are the factors of a speech situation for its existence?
  2. What are the practical guidelines for using gender inclusive language in a business Communication?
  3. What are the elements of a standard business letter and their functions?
  4. What is the importance of External Communication?
  5. What are the common barriers to Communication?
                                                                                                         5x6=30 marks

Section C

III   Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :-
1.Explain the role of Communication in a Business organization.
2.Explain the steps to effective writing.
3.What are the functions of a Business letter? Examine.
4.How are Communication classified? Explain.
5.Write a letter to the Revenue Collector on the excess tax recovery on your residential building.
3x20=60 marks


Elective: Financial Management (Part - 1)
Time : 3 hours                                                                                                Marks  : 100

Section A

I      Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :-
1.     What is a Funds Statement?
2.      What are the main Financial Statements?
3.      What is Overtrading?
4.      What is Gross Profit Ratio?
5.      Define Capital Gearing.
5x2=10 marks                                              

Section B

II     Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :-
1.             What are the main methods of Management Accounting?
2.             What are the objectives of Management Accounting?
3.             What are the uses of Funds Statement?
4.             What are the advantages of Budget Central System?
5.             What are the limitations of the Break – Even Chart?
        5x6=30 marks

Section C

III   Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :-
1.               How are transactions affecting and not affecting working Capital? Explain.
2.               Explain the classification of Accounting Ratios.
3.               Explain how the most common budgets are prepared.
4.               Write an essay on Capital Expenditure Appraisal.
5.               How does inventory play a very important part in the determination of the profits of a business?
3x20=60 marks


Elective: Financial Management (Part – 2)
Time : 3 hours                                                                                                Marks  : 100

Section A

I      Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :-
1.             What are the two categories of Financial Reports?
2.             What is the principles of a Punched Card System?
3.             What is a Net Income Approach?
4.             What is the main source from which capital to finance capital expenditure comes?
5.             What is Working Capital?
        5x2=10 marks                                             

Section B

II     Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :-
1.               What are the characteristics of a good Financial Report?
2.               What is the theory of Capital Structure?
3.               What are the factors by which cost of debt is determined?
4.               What are the influences affecting the Working Capital problem?
5.               What are the areas, where bank obligations give effect to claims between buyer and seller?
   5x6=30 marks

Section C

III   Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :-
1.               Explain trading on Equity.
2.               Explain cost of Equity Capital.
3.               Explain the principles of Leasing Management.
4.               Explain the motive for holding cash.
5.               Write an essay on the Management of Accounts Receivable.
3x20=60 marks


Subject : International Law
Time : 3 hours                                                                                                            Marks  : 100

Section A

I      Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :-
1.      What are the integrated and distinctive legal orders of WTO?
2.      What is Tort?
3.      What is Property Law?
4.      What are dealt under Intellectual Property?
5.      What is meant by Jus Cogens?
5x2=10 marks                                              

Section B

II     Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :-
1.      What are the principles of General International Law?
2.      What is a Civil Law?
3.      What is international Court of Justice?
4.      How treaty obligations are ended?
5.      What are Civil and Political rights?
        5x6=30 marks

Section C

III   Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :-
1.      Discuss the details of the origin of International Law.
2.      Explain the sources of International Law.
3.      Explain international Human Rights Law.
4.      Describe the functions of institutions of International Criminal Law.
5.      Which rights are Human Rights? Explain.
3x20=60 marks


Subject : Management Information System

Time : 3 hours                                                                                                            Marks  : 100

Section A

I      Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :-

1.      What are involved in a Management process?

2.      What is the function of an Interface?

3.      What are Databases?

4.      What is Market Science System?

5.      Define Data Communication.

5x2=10 marks                                              

Section B

II     Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :-

1.      What are the characteristics of MIS?

2.      What is the role of information in Decision Making?

3.      What are the factors influencing successful use of MIS in an organization?

4.      What are the factors contributing to the success of MIS?

5.      What are the unique characters of Computer?

        5x6=30 marks

Section C

III   Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :-

1.      Explain the composition and structure of MIS.

2.      Examine the role of MIS in organisation.

3.      What are the emerging trends in MIS? Explain.

4.      Explain the role of MIS in Marketing Information System.

5.      How is MIS implemented in an organization?

3x20=60 marks


Subject : Strategic Management

Time : 3 hours                                                                                                Marks  : 100

Section A

I      Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :-

1.      What is the essence of Strategic Planning?

2.      What is the key to successful implementation of any business strategy?

3.      Why is Value Chain Analysis useful?

4.      What are the benefits of Strategic Innovation?

5.      What is reward system in Strategic Management?

5x2=10 marks                                             

Section B

II     Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :-

1.      How does Strategic Management work?

2.      What are the five fundamental issues associated with changing the operating system in order to carry out the Business Strategy?

3.      Why is an operating plan, a plan to improve productivity?

4.      What are the steps in a strategy based Budgeting Process?

5.      How is Operating Plans implemented?

        5x6=30 marks

Section C

III   Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :-

1.      Why strategies fail? Explain.

2.      Explain the relationship between performance measures, monitoring progress and implementation success.

3.      Describe targeted measures of a tailored measurement package in an operating Plan Strategy.

4.      How should Multi Business compete? Explain.

5.      Explain the growth of E-Business and its strategies in an established firm.

3x20=60 marks

Subject : Principles & Practices of Management
Time : 3 hours Marks : 100 Section A I Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :- 1. Definitions of Management. 2. Mention the five activity levels of Business Management. 3. What is the Behaviour School Theory of Management? 4. What is Strategic Planning? 5. What is the purpose of planning in Management?
5x2=10 marks
Section B II Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :- 1. What are the top management’s actual operation according to Livingston? 2. What are the elements of management? 3. Which are the steps in Planning? 4. Give the fundamentals of Staffing. 5. What is Matrix or Grid method of Departmentation – Give the advantages. 5x6=30 marks Section C III Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :- 1. What is Manpower Planning? Explain its process. 2. Explain F.W. Taylor’s teachings in Management. 3. Explain the manager’s job and his duties. 4. Explain briefly recruitment and sources of manpower supply. 5. Write about the off-the-job training methods.
3x20=60 marks
Subject : Organizational Behaviour
Time : 3 hours Marks : 100 Section A I Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :- 1. What is Organizational Behaviour? 2. What is Declining Loyalty? 3. What is Personality? 4. What is Authoritarianism? 5. What is the definition of Learning?
5x2=10 marks
Section B II Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :- 1. What is Operant Conditioning? 2. Which are the methods of shaping behaviour? 3. What is Stereotyping? 6. What is Motivation? 7. Explain briefly Attitudes and Individual.
5x6=30 marks
Section C III Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :- 1. Which are the functions of Attitudes and what has it to do with Behaviour? 6. Explain with illustration the importance of attitudes in Organizational Behaviour. 7. Define Motivation and give the importance of the same. 8. Enumerate the role of Management and Motivation in Organizational Behaviour. 9. What is Stress? Explain Work Stress and Stressed out.
3x20=60 marks
Subject : Marketing Management
Time : 3 hours Marks : 100 Section A I Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :- 1. Give two relevant definitions of Marketing. 2. Which are the four basic functions of Marketing? 3. What is Integrated Marketing? 4. What are the objectives of Marketing Strategy? 5. What is Marketing Planning?
5x2=10 marks
Section B II Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :- 1. What are the Planning Procedures that happen at various levels? 2. What are the elements of Marketing Planning? 10. What is Marketing Mix and Marketing Planning? 11. What is the role of Advertising in Marketing Mix? 12. What are the unique characteristics of Service Marketing?
5x6=30 marks
Section C III Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :- 1. Explain products in Service Marketing. 8. Explain what is Market Segmentation. 9. What is pricing? Illustrate with example. 10. Which are the basic principles of Organization Design? 11. Which are the various parameters affecting Consumer Behaviour?
Subject : Human Resources Management
Time : 3 hours Marks : 100 Section A I Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :- 1. Which are the functional areas of Human Resources Management? 2. How do you determine Human Resources requirements? 3. What is Monitoring and Control? 4. What is Career Planning and Succession Planning? 5. Which are the major techniques of Recruitment?
5x2=10 marks
Section B II Answer all questions each question carries 6 marks :- 1. What is Staffing and Employment? 2. Write about Wage and Salary Administration. 13. What is the significance of Human Resources? 14. What is Demand Forecasting? 15. Why Career Planning?
5x6=30 marks
Section C III Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :- 1. Outline the major functional areas of Human Resources Management. 12. What is the emerging role of Personnel Management? 13. Explain the reasons for current interest in Human Resources. 14. What is evaluation in training and explain the different types of training evaluation? 15. Explain the importance of Performance Appraisal and enumerate its different steps.
3x20=60 marks
Subject : Financial Management
Time : 3 hours Marks : 100 Section A I Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks :- 1. What is Business Finance? 2. Which are the forms of organisation? 3. Which are the different categories of international sources of finance? 4. What is the meaning of Cash? 5. What is the meaning of Receivables?
5x2=10 marks
Section B II Answer all questions. Each question carries 6 marks :- 1. What are the benefits of holding inventories? 2. Which are the three methods for assessing the working capital requirement? 3. Which are the motives for holding Cash? 16. Which are the internal sources of Cash? 17. What is overall Profitability Ratio?
5x6=30 marks
Section C III Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks :- 1. Explain the functions of Finance. 16. Enumerate the Indian Financial System. 17. What is equity share capital? What are the advantages and disadvantages from the firm’s point of view and the shareholder’s point of view? 18. What is a financial statement? What are its limitations? 19. Explain Funds Flow Analysis. Illustrate with a figure.
principles of management
A 5 X 2=10 what is a functional and dyfunctional conflict? what is operational planning how are functions of management classified? define motivation What is directing?
Sec B
5 X 6=30 What are the charactersitics of management? What is the importance of planning? Describe the techniques of effective cordination? What are the principles of effective communication? What sre the elements of management? Sec C
Any 3 3X20=60 Explain the organization theory. Explain the different training methods. Discuss Management and Leadership. Explain Fayols Management theory Explain Departmentation.

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